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Contoh Greeting (Perkenalan Diri)

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pertama kali bertemu dengan orang asing kita selalu merasa canggung. Hali ini terjadi karena kita merasa belum tahu identitas orang tersebut apalagi saat itu memang baru pertama kali bertemu. Semua orang pasti mengalami hal tersebut.Untuk itu dibutuhkan keberanian untuk bertanya atau sekedar bersalaman dengan orang asing/orang yang pertama kali bertemu. Berikut ini adalah ungkapan perkenalan diri dalam Bahasa inggris mungkin bisa membantu kalian untuk mengatasi rasa canggung tersebut

Introducing (memperkenalkan)

Memperkenalkan Dri
Memperkenalkan Orang Lain
- I’d like to introduce myself.  
- My I introduce myself?
- Let me introduce myself!       
- I want to introduce myself
- I’d like you to meet … (nama)  
- This is my friend/boss/etc…(nama)
- Have you met…(nama)?
- May I introduce you to …(nama/jabatan)
- Let me introduce you to ….
- I want to introduce you to ….

Examples of English Conversations:

Between Friends

Conversation 1

George: Good morning, Mary.
Mary: Good morning, George.

Jenny: Hello, Mr. Gracia. How are you doing?
Gracia: Pretty good, thanks. How about you, Jenny?
Jenny: Not bad, thanks.

Paul: Good morning, Anny. How is everything?
Anny: OK, thanks. How are you today, Paul?
Paul: Just fine, thanks.

Dina: Good evening Jhon, where have you been lately?
Jhon: I have been busy with my project.
Dina: It is good to see you again.
Jhon: Thanks.

Conversation 2

Alice: Hi, Bent.
Bent: Hello Alice. Long time no see. How are you?
Alice: Fine. And you?
Bent: Getting on well. How is your brother Andre? I really miss him.
Alice: He is OK. Busy with his studies. He’s going to have his final exam next week.
Bent: By the way, have you heard about Nancy?
Alice: No. What happened to her?
Bent: She’s getting married soon to a colleague of her.
Alice: That’s good news. So Nancy will soon settle down to a domestic life.
Bent: Sorry, Alice. It’s time for my bus. I must hurry.
Alice: I’ll ring you up sometime.
Bent: Please do.
Alice: I will. Bye.
Bent: Bye.

On the Telephone

Rina                 : Good morning. Rina is here.
Michael           : Hi, Rina! How are you?
Rina                 : Hello, Michael. I’m alright. How are things with you? How is your school?
Michael           : It’s good. I enjoy studying there. It’s quite different from the one where I was
              studying last year.
Rina                 : So, at last you’ve found a place where you’d like to study.
Michael           : Rina, I hear that your friend Sofie is planning to sell her laptop. Is it true?
Rina                 : Yes, she told me so. Why, are you interested?
Michael           : Well, I am thinking of buying it. If the price is within my reach, that is.
Rina                 : I’ll talk to Sofie and then call you back. Is that all right?
Michael           : Perfectly. Thanks, Rina. Bye.
Rina                 : Bye

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